organizačný výbor Tatranského pohára v behu na lyžiach (FIS Slavic Cup) rozhodol,
že preteky sa v termíne 18.-19. decembra 2021 neuskutočnia.
Aj napriek vynaloženému úsiliu a dobrej predpovedi počasia v súčasnosti pre zvýšené riziko prenosu ochorenia COVID-19
The Organizing Committee of the FIS Cross-Country Slavic Cup Event (Tatranský pohár v behu na lyžiach) decided that the race scheduled for 18 – 19 December 2021 will no longer take place.
Despite the efforts, good weather forecast is unfortunately not possible to organise international cross country skiing competitions, due to the increased risk of COVID 19 transmission.
As soon as the risks of COVID-19 are reduced and the legislation allows for the organization of the race, we will announce a new date.
Best regards
Sport Club Štrba